2024 Sep 21, 2:30 pm - VCGS Monthly Social - RSVP

2024 Sep 21, 2:30 pm - VCGS Monthly Social - RSVP


While this event is open to all, securing your spot requires an RSVP.

2024 September VCGS Public Monthly Social

Join us on September 21st at 2:30 PM for a delightful Saturday Guitar Gathering at the Zameen Cafe on Granville Island. Immerse yourself in an afternoon of art and classical guitar melodies. This month’s social gathering is open to all classical guitar enthusiasts in the town.

Secure your spot with a $10 RSVP ticket. At-door admissions will be available based on capacity, so reserve your place now! This helps the organizers anticipate the group size and plan a better program. This modest fee will cover the venue rental, light snacks/water.

Please note, all ticket sales are final and non-refundable. We are, however, happy to transfer your ticket to another person at your request.

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