VCGFest 2022: Steve Ganz - Luthiers Exhibition Spotlight
This series will spotlight the luthiers exhibiting at our July 17, 2022 VCFest event. The first luthier we would like to shine on is Steve Ganz. Hailing from just south of the border, Steve has been a long-time supporter and attendee at local guitar events here in Vancouver. If you are also a VCGS regular, you will probably recognize him and maybe have even had a conversation or two.
Steve’s guitars have been featured in books and have been played on by a number of pro’s. Some names you are sure to recognize & include; Anna Pietrzak, Alieksey Vianna, Jacek Kado, Stanton Jack, Alain Reiher, Takayoshi Sakai, Huayna Jimenez, Nacio de Falla, Chad Nuckles and others.
Here is a note from Steve’s website on his motivation for building guitars.
“Why? Love. I am motivated by a love for craftsmanship in wood and the sounds of guitars making music. I play well enough to put my guitars through their paces. I play in ensembles with Bob Clifton, David Haley, and Hanh Nguyen. I am active in the Northwest Classical Guitar Society. I am always trying to improve my skills at listening, playing and, building of guitars. I love it when my customers are making music. Heck, I just love Guitar! I built my first guitar with John Roberts in Arizona before the Roberto-Venn school was established. I was 19 years old. I have many other individuals to acknowledge in my building development. Bellingham luthiers John Rollins and Dake Traphagen. World reknowned luthier Jos? Romanillos. I could go on....there are many others!
If I told you that love of guitar has literally saved my life, would you believe me?”
We hope you will stop by July.17 to say hi to Steve and check out these fine instruments. Visit Steve’s website to learn more about him and his instruments.