Virtuosic concerts, world premieres and a new home for the Vancouver Classical Guitar Festival, July 11– 14th

The 5th annual Vancouver Classical Guitar Festival July 11th-14th.  has a brand-new home at Capilano University in North Vancouver.  Guitarists of all ages and levels are invited to join in masterclasses, and workshops with celebrated faculty from five top Canadian universities.  And music lovers can experience two outstanding faculty concerts jammed full of premieres by Iliana Matos, Dr. Jeffrey McFadden, Dr. Francisco Barradas (violinist), Dr. Daniel Ramjattan and Luis Angel Medina.  The concerts will be held in the BlueShore Financial Centre for the Performing Arts on Friday, July 12th and Saturday, July 13th.   Concert tickets and registration at or  

A new partnership with Capilano University.  This year’s festival is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Capilano University, plus new financial support from the province of British Columbia and continued collaboration with the Vancouver Classic Guitar Society.   Festival founder and director Luis Medina says he is beyond excited to expand the festival to the BlueShore Theatre.   “This new larger venue will allow so many more people to attend these fabulous concerts.”  And they will be fabulous.  

Premieres!  Not only will the concerts showcase top Canadian classical guitar talent, but there will also be several premieres.   Luis explains: “Not many people know that Jeffrey McFadden is an incredible composer as well as one of the world’s best classical guitarists.  He just composed a piece for Iliana Matos for her upcoming album.  Now, she will give us the world premiere at her Saturday concert!”   And there’s more. 

At the Friday concert, Jeffrey McFadden will be premiering his own composition for violin and guitar, Aguardiente, with violinist, Dr. Francisco Barradas.  Luis himself will be performing the world premiere of Canada: Tierra de ensueño, a piece dedicated to him by the wonderful Mexican composer Julio Cesar Oliva.


In addition to the two faculty concerts, the 2024 festival schedule includes masterclasses with Jeffrey McFadden and Iliana Matos plus workshops and lectures on technique, performance anxiety, music performance and much more including a guitar orchestra for ensemble skills and participants’ closing concert. 

Top all-Canadian faculty.  The festival is so proud to present this year’s all-Canadian faculty.


·         Iliano Matos, University of Lethbridge   Iliana Matos is a powerhouse in the classical guitar world. Hailing from Cuba and now a beloved figure in the Canadian guitar scene, Matos's performances have graced stages across continents for many years. From her acclaimed recordings to her dedication to developing the guitar repertoire, Matos’ artistry is renowned.

·         Dr. Jeffrey McFadden, University of Toronto   With a career spanning three decades, Dr. McFadden is one of the most admired guitarists of his generation. From prestigious competitions to acclaimed recordings, his virtuosity and artistry have captivated audiences worldwide. As Chair of Guitar Studies at the University of Toronto, his influence extends globally through groundbreaking research and inspiring compositions.

·         Dr. Daniel Ramjattan, Wilfrid Laurier University   From premiering chamber works to his acclaimed debut album, the award-winning Dr. Daniel Ramjattan’s contributions to the guitar community are both profound and inspiring. In 2020, he joined Wilfrid Laurier University's Faculty of Music where he designed and inaugurated the first music performance anxiety and performance skills course.

·         Luis Angel Medina, Capilano University, Festival Founder and Director   Luis Angel Medina is a dynamic force in the world of classical guitar. A recipient of the Silver Medal at the 2017 Vancouver International Music Competition, his performances have entranced audiences across continents. Luis is currently completing his Doctorate n classical guitar performance at the University of Toronto under the guidance of Dr. McFadden and Jorge Caballero.

·        Alec Pearson, University of British Columbia   Alec Pearson is a brilliant performer, composer, teacher and champion of classical guitar. He is sessional instructor of guitar at the University of British Columbia.  Alec has performed across Canada, Spain, Colombia, Greece and the U.S.  He is president and artistic director of the Vancouver Classic Guitar Society and the founder and director of the Okanagan Guitar Festival. 

·         Lucida Zhao, Festival Co-Director   Lucida has over 15 years of experience teaching piano and music theory and as a music educator in International Baccalaureate (IB) schools. Beyond teaching, Lucida has gained recognition as a collaborative pianist, performing with choirs and other musicians.   Lucida holds degrees from the University of British Columbia and will be starting her Master of Arts in Music Education degree at the University of Toronto this fall. 


Early registration is $240 ($290 after June 7th) and includes all workshops, masterclasses, lectures, and concerts and auditing all masterclasses.   Masterclass registration is $320 ($370 after June1st) adds a masterclass with Jeffrey McFadden or Iliana Matos..   Questions?  Email Luis Medina at or


NewsValerie Boser